1. Product Listing
Product Name: You can write in a way that best describes your content.

Product Type: The type of your product, such as ebook, video course, template. You can write whatever is appropriate.

Product Description: Maximum 350 word, 1500 character. It should simply describe your content, if you're providing downloadble file it should write extensions.
Product Tags: Tags to make searching for your product easier. Like ebook, course, revit, rhino.

Pricing: You can set a fair price as you see fit. It's up to you.
Upload Files: It must be in .zip file. If there is more than one type of content, it should be separated and classified section by section. For example, Plant cutouts, animal cutouts, video course.

Number of Downloads: By default, number of downloads is zero (0) which means unlimited downloading of file for customer.
Product Images: Image can be uploaded of any dimension but we recommend you to upload image with dimension of 1024x1024 & its size must be less than 5MB.

Collections: You must select the appropriate collections. For example, if you have photoshop training, you should choose the photoshop collection.

2. Seller Profile
Profile Image: 185x185 (Square format)
Profile Image can be uploaded of any dimension but we recommend you to upload image with dimension of 185x185 px.
Banner Image: 900x225
Banner Image can be uploaded of any dimension but we recommend you to upload image with dimension of 900x225 px.
You should add a simple, descriptive profile description to your profile.
You can turn the location on or off if you want, it's up to you.

3. Specific Files Export Settings
Vector Files: .AI .SVG .CDR .EPS
PhotoshopTemplates: .PSD
lllustrator Templates: .AI
Ebooks: .PDF .MOBI .EPUB .AZW3
Brush Files: .ABR
4. Frequently Asked Questions for Sellers
Question: Where can I login my seller dashboard?
Answer: You can login by link this link.
Question: Will I receive an email when someone receives my product?
Answer: Yes, you'll get notified by email everytime.
Question: Can I see the customer's email address?
Answer: Yes, you can see the customer details.
Question: Where do I enter my payment information?
Answer: In your seller dashboard, click "profile" and you'll see "payment details" section.
Question: The language of my tutorials is not English, can I upload them?
Answer: Thats no problem because we have 1 million followers and they are speaking many different languages. You can upload your tutorial.
For other questions and answers, you can check our detailed FAQ page.