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Book- The Metric Handbook (Planning & Design Standards)
Standards - The Metric Handbook is a comprehensive guidebook that provides a wealth of information on various metric standards used in the fields of architecture, engineering, and construction. This handbook covers essential measurements, conversions, and principles that are instrumental in creating designs and structures that adhere to standardized measurements. It includes detailed explanations and diagrams for a wide range of topics such as building dimensions, material specifications, environmental assessments, lighting, acoustics, fire safety, and much more. Whether you are a professional working in the industry or a student studying these subjects, this book serves as an invaluable resource to ensure accuracy, compliance, and efficiency in your projects. With its user-friendly format and up-to-date content, Standards - The Metric Handbook is a must-have tool that will undoubtedly enhance your knowledge and expertise in the metric standards domain.
Book- The Metric Handbook (Planning & Design Standards)
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