Conceptual Models eBook
💡 Learn About Conceptual Models and How To Create Them!
Conceptual models form an essential part of the architectural design and development process. They can provide a fast and efficient method for testing ideas and investigating space constraints. We can think of them as 3D versions of diagrams.Why?
Let's say you have a thought, a feeling, an emotion. Sometimes it is difficult to describe them in words. That's why we make conceptual models to convey these thoughts so that these feelings can reach the audience even before we speak. Of course, after explaining, the message will be clearer, but the model will make our job easier. So as I said, think of it like diagrams, but we call it a conceptual or concept mockup because we communicate more in an abstract and conceptual way.
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📖 The Book Contains
✅ A brief idea about the conceptual models
✅ Why should we do conceptual models?
✅ The types of conceptual models
Conceptual Models eBook
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